
The Dog Turf That Grass Can Grow Through

You’ve never seen a dog turf like this before. Natura® is perforated to allow real grass to grow through it. But why would you want that?

Natural grass is healthy for the planet…and for dogs. Real grass is cooler to the touch than hard surfaces and it allows dogs to use their most powerful sense, their sense of smell.

A dog’s sense of smell is crucial to its understanding of the world around it. Dogs sniff their surroundings to engage their minds and explore. If dogs aren’t allowed to smell the environment around them, it can be distressing, and the lack of normal stimulation sniffing provides can direct them to more destructive activities just to occupy themselves. 

Cover a Bare Spot - or Your Entire Yard

Natura comes in multiple sizes and can be cut to size. Whether you are covering that mud pit outside the back door, all along the fence line or the entire yard, Natura is the perfect, easy, don’t-do-more-than-you-have-to solution.

You can cut Natura with household scissors to fit the area you need to cover. We provide biodegradable anchors to initially secure it to the ground, then as grass grows through, it will continue to be secured to the earth.

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Easy To Install

Natura is also incredibly easy to install. In fact, you can install an entire yard in less than a day. If you are installing smaller sections, you can be done in an hour or so. No other turf is this simple and fast to fix your mud problem.

For best results prep the ground to make it level, add your preferred grass seed, then unroll and anchor Natura in place. Your dogs will be running and playing on it in no time.

Easy to Maintain

When grass does grow through it, you mow it just as you normally would mow your lawn. The height of the Natura turf is less than 1″ tall – and typical mower blade hight is recommended to be 3″-4″ off the ground.

For dog waste, you also just pick up after your dog as you normally would. Liquids pass directly through to the ground below and mother nature does her thing. Solids should be picked up with a doggy bag or scooper. If there is anything messy just us a water hose and wash it through to the ground below. It really is that easy!

Trusted by Dog Daycare and Dog Owners

You will find Natura installed across the country. It is designed to protect the ground from paw traffic and it will also protect your business or home from mud being tracked in.

Most dogs totally ignore it, others get use to it within hours. And once grass grows through, it virtually disappears to the eye – while still protecting the grass.

Natura is Available in Multiple Sizes

Ready to Buy?

Our online store is open 24/7. Shop now to learn more about the 3 sizes we have available. We fulfill orders quickly and ship directly to you.

Want to Talk About Your Mud Problem?

We get it, this is a totally new way of thinking about getting rid of mud and still having a healthy yard. If you want someone from Natura to contact you, just fill out the form below and we’ll be glad to contact you directly.