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Your Paw-fect Natura® Installation Guide:

Easy Fixes to Expert-Level Yards

Whether you’re aiming for a quick fix or ready to channel your inner landscaper, Natura ® has your back (and your yard). Choose your installation adventure and discover just how easy it is to leave mud in the dust.

The beautiful thing about Natura is that it is “working” when it simply elevates your dog’s paws above the bare ground and mud. But when you want to get the most out of the hybrid turf, you can invest more time into preparing the soil beneath Natura and taking additional time to install it. In the end, they all work, but the level of effort and “perfection” is up to you, and what you want the project to look like along the journey.

Choose Your Installation Level and Style

or Create Your Own as you choose your effort on each step!

MethodThe Quick Fix: Easy Peasy Paw-sibilityThe Weekend Warrior: DIY DelightThe Yard King: Masterclass in Pawsomeness
SummaryYou just want to get rid of the mud. You are not handy and don’t worry too much about how it looks, as long as it works.You may not be much of a gardener, but you can use simple lawn tools and you are willing to put a couple hours into the project.You will take the time to do it right. You want it to not only work, but it has to look great – you have neighbors and inlaws to impress!
When to installIf the ground is not frozen or baked hard as a biscuitWhen the ground is not granite and when your seed brand recommends grass growthWhen the ground is not frozen and follow expert opinions on the best time to grow grass in your climate.
Tools You Will WantScissors, rubber malletScissors or shears, rubber mallet, garden rakeShears, tiller, spade, rubber mallet, garden rake, leaf rake, seed spreader, good gloves
What to do FirstTake a photo of what it looks like before you improve it.Take a photo of what it looks like before you improve it. The best outdoor photos don’t have shadows.Take a photo of what it looks like before you improve it and while you’re working. The best outdoor photos don’t have any shadows. Somehow mark where you took the 1st photo so you can replicate the angle as you go and when the grass grows through.
Level the GroundKick out the big rocks, smooth it out, and call it a dayUse a leveling tool or rake to smooth things over—topsoil can help fill any dipsGet serious with a tiller and spade—your soil deserves the VIP treatment. add nutrients for your soil type and climate
Existing GrassMow as low as possible and/or weed-whack whatever is mostly standing upRemove any weeds from the area you are going to cover. Weed-whack the remaining desired natural ground cover “down to the crown”Remove all grass as well as those weeds that you have refused to admit were there
SeedIf you wantPre-seed with grass seed of choice (or any ground cover plant), consult the seed directions for best time of year.Pre-seed with grass seed of choice (or any ground cover plant you may fancy), consult the seed directions for best time(s) of year. Spread seed under Natura, so it can hold a tiny amount of moisture and heat on the soil and the seeds as they germinate
Acclimating Natura to your ClimateMeh. Just deal with any “memory” in the product during installationUnroll Natura and let sit in temp of install for 30 minutes. Look at weather forecast and install on warmest day of the week.Let your turf sunbathe for a bit—it deserves a little relaxation before taking on paw traffic! Look at weather forecast and install on warmest day of the week.
Installing NaturaCover the area you want to improve, cut to shape. Anchor along edges so nobody will trip, especially youAlways unroll and install Natura the same direction for the best look. Anchor the starting end, stretch it with a hard rake, anchor the opposite end. Overlap adjoining rolls of Natura along StaySeam™ edges. Anchor long sides, put anchors through both pieces if they are adjoining.Always unroll and install Natura the same direction for the best look. Anchor the starting end, stretch it with a hard rake, anchor the opposite end. Dig a small 2” trench along the outside edges and bury the exposed edges and anchor in place within the trench. Overlap adjoining rolls of Natura along StaySeam edges. Anchor long sides, put anchors through both pieces if they are adjoining. After anchoring, cover the trenches with a little dirt feathered over
Finishing InstallationInspect your work and anchor any areas that are waves or edges that are curling up.Inspect your work and anchor down any waves in Natura. Take some topsoil and sprinkle over the exposed edges to help bury them. Make yourself a cold beverage, you’re done.Inspect your work and anchor down any waves in Natura. Make sure your outside edges are buried and spread more grass seed along the edges to help it blend into the yard. Make yourself a cold beverage and pat yourself on the back for a job well done.
Document your workTake a post-install photo.Take post install photos, remember to avoid shadows (like the one of you taking the photo), share the before and after on your favorite social media platform and tag #NaturaTurfGo back to the same spot you took your pre-install photo and take post install photos, remember to avoid shadows (like the one of you taking the photo), share the before and after on your favorite social media platform and tag #NaturaTurf
Help the Grass GrowKeep the area a little wet until grass has grown through. Move on with your lifeWater the area often, but not for too long. Keep it damp until grass is about 3” tallWater the area daily, at a time when the water will not evaporate or encourage fungus (not mid-day or late evening). Keep it damp until grass is at least 3” tall, watch for any leaf wilt stress for the next 2-12 months (you know what that is, right?), water accordingly
MowingYep, once grass is 3” tall or higher, bring out the mower.Yep, once grass is 3” tall or higher, bring out the mower.Yep, once grass is 3” tall or higher, bring out the mower.
Seasonal careSeed it again as you desire, or when your neighbor gives you grass seedRefer to your seed directions and “over-seed” as directed.Refer to your seed directions and “over-seed” as directed, you can do the same with other nutrients.
BragMention often to your family how much cleaner the dog is and how the yard looks greener now.Your dog’s paws are cleaner, your yard is greener, and your social media is about to blow-up.

Take more photos of the grassy area that never could grow grass before. Do a before and after comparison and post a humble brag post on your social media or neighborhood app.#NaturaTurf.
Your dog’s paws are cleaner, your yard is greener, and your social media is about to blow-up. #NaturaTurf.
Take more photos of the grassy area that never could grow grass before. Do a before and after comparison post. Share your dominance over your yard with anyone who will listen.

Advanced Installation Instructions

 To take your installation to the next level, you can further prep the ground and pre-seed it before unrolling the Natura™ turf. Open or download these links for advanced installation guides that show you step by step best practices. Some installation guides are available in both English and Spanish.

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