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The Dog Turf That Grass Can Grow Through

You’ve never seen a dog turf like this before. Natura® is perforated to allow real grass to grow through it. 

Your dog park is a valuable amenity to your residents. You want to provide a dog exercise area where dogs are safe and people can socialize 

Natura works with natural grass, meaning maintenance is simple for your grounds crew (mow just like any other grass). Natura covers those areas where grass simple will not grow so the yard is clean and green – all year round. And Natura installs quickly and easily. You won’t miss one day of this important amenity.

Create Community

In the “battle of amenities” dog parks are high on the list of high resident value. While dog exercise yards are great for the dogs to burn some energy, they are equally important to connect the people. 

Natura hybrid turf means that your dog yard can be open 365 days a year…and that it will look good in any season – creating a place where people, and their dogs, will want to congregate. And that builds community.

Dogs and dog owners

Easy to Install, Simple to Maintain

Natura hybrid dog turf installs quickly with minimal labor hours and no special training. Your existing grounds crew or favorite landscaping service can learn how to install Natura in minutes and the installation can be completed with just a few workers, usually well within a day’s time.

As for maintenance, Natura is just like a regular grass yard—only better. You can hose off the turf when it gets dirty and then completely forget it’s there. Natura alleviates maintenance burdens within residential units as well, because dogs will carry less mud back into the property with them.

Add Value to Your Property

Natura is a fraction of the cost of traditional artificial turf systems and your investment in Natura will pay dividends. Residents will never know how little you spent on Natura, because their experience with your dog park or green space will be so vastly improvedBecause the maintenance requirements are virtually identical to a regular grass yard, you won’t see an increase in costs associated with your new Natura installation, either.


Trusted by Property Managers and Dog Owners

You will find Natura installed across the country. It is designed to protect the ground from paw traffic and it will also protect your buildings and apartments from mud being tracked in.

Most dogs totally ignore it, others get use to it within hours. And once grass grows through, it virtually disappears to the eye – while still protecting the grass.

Natura is Available in Multiple Sizes

Ready to Buy?

Our online store is open 24/7. Shop now to learn more about the 3 sizes we have available. We fulfill orders quickly and ship directly to you.

Want to Talk About Your Mud Problem?

We get it, this is a totally new way of thinking about getting rid of mud and still having a healthy dog yard. If you want someone from Natura to contact you, just fill out the form below and we’ll be glad to contact you directly.

Fetch CAD Files Here

Incorporate products into your plans quickly and easily by downloading our design files from The CADdetails program is developed specifically for design professionals with the goal of getting manufacturer-specific product information into their working plans.

If you do not have or want to sign up for their site, please email us and we can send you the files in the format you need.

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