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Installation Case Study:

Smoken Dakota Kennels

South Dakota

The Challenge

Smoken Dakota Kennels wanted to provide their dogs with the sensory stimulation of being in a natural outdoors environment, but the rain and snowfall would at times leave their outdoor play area muddy and put extra stress on their staff to keep the dogs clean and their facility looking good.

The Approach

Having natural surfaces and smells like real grass, trees and natural obstacles was important to Teri Jo and her staff to keep their dogs stimulated. They wanted to find a solution that would provide the mental stimulation that their dogs required. The traditional turf solutions on the market did not achieve what she was seeking. Teri Jo heard about a new “hybrid” solution that would combine the benefits of an artificial turf (protection) with the benefits of natural grass (sensory stimulation).

Once they received their rolls of Natura they found it best to roll them all out first, then moved the panels (rolls) around as needed to fit their large outdoor space. They then staked the Natura in place. By unrolling the Natura first they could easily move from one roll to the next and be efficient with their labor. Unrolling Natura also helps the hybrid turf acclimate to the environment – which will minimize the expansion and contraction of the turf. Teri Jo and her team found Natura to be “pretty easy to install”. The dog yard only needed to be closed down for 2 days while the new outdoor dog turf was installed – meaning it only caused minimal disruption to their daily routine, and just as importantly, minimal disturbance to the dog’s routines!


“Incorporating natural elements into our dog daycare playground sets our facilities apart by creating a more engaging and enriching environment for the dogs.”, says Teri Jo. “Natural surfaces like real grass, trees or natural obstacles provide sensory stimulation and variety contributing to the overall well-being of the dogs. Natura turf allows the real grass to grow through and provide that natural surface while protecting the roots from high traffic.  Ultimately offering natural services enhances the quality of the dogs experiences and differentiates our daycare.”

“Investing in Natura turf for our dog daycare play yards enhances the overall experience for both dogs and their owners.”, Teri Jo continues, “It provides a clean and safe environment, reduces mud and germs and creates a comfortable space for dogs to play and socialize in. Additionally, a well-maintained play area contributes to the positive reputation of our dog daycare.”


Natura has been installed at Smoken Dakota Kennels (SDK) for nearly 2 years now and Teri Jo and her pups are still as happy as they were the day they transformed their dog yard without sacrificing the enrichment that the dogs need and deserve. SDK is situated in the southeast corner of South Dakota where they receive about 30” of rain and another 30” of snowfall each year. Additionally, temperatures range from near 0˙ to highs in the 80’s in the summer. Natura allows them to use their outdoor spaces regardless of the temperature and it remains there as a mud barrier from the thaws of the winter through the summer storms that roll across the plains.

Photo Credit: All Photos are courtesy of Smoken Dakota Kennels.

Client Testimonials

“Natura turf cuts down on the mud and unlike artificial turf has significant drainage mesh to allow natural pass-through of rain, urine and does not trap germs in porous surfaces. Natura is low maintenance and easy to clean while still ensuring a pleasant and realistic environment for the dogs.”
Teri Jo - Owner
Investing in Natura turf for our dog daycare play yards enhances the overall experience for both dogs and their owners.
Teri Jo - Owner

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